About Us
(Or Should I say... About ME)
This is why I have this site...
I am not a big company, I do not have a staff, there are no automated robots responding to messages... I am just a regular guy who ran into the same problem that is facing you now.
Recently, I wanted to see some of my old footage that was on my MiniDV and Video 8mm camcorder tapes. I went to play them in my camcorder which I had used to record them, and they started unravelling. After trying to fix the tape, I noticed each tape was having a problem and then finally my camcorder stopped playing all together (camcorders are made to record, and not to playback, even though you do have that option). I looked online for equipment that could play back my tapes and was blown away at how expensive this stuff was... so I decided to look online for a company to transfer my tapes. Site after site that I went to, I noticed they were asking for anywhere between $25-$40 for one 30 minute tape!!!! I was like "WOW... what a scam". I guess they get away with it because people like you and me cant afford the $1000+ equipment and we dont want to lose precious video memories. I needed about 20 tapes transferred which would have cost me $1000+. NO WAY was I doing that.
So after a year of reading up on the subject and following every possible auction, listings, and video companies selling used equipment because they were going out of business... I got lucky and was able to purchase professional equipment at a decent price. After transferring my own tapes, I am now sitting here with all of this equipment and no need for it, soooooo....
I figured here is a good chance to make some of my money back while at the same time helping people in my same situation!! So I made this website, and decided to give the cheapest possible prices to everyone. I know some people have tons of tapes, and its too much money.. so I even negotiate and give package discounts. That being said, transferring video is VERY time consuming, and I do work a normal job and have a family. If a tape is 2 hours long... it takes 2 hours to transfer it in real time. What also separates me from the others, is that I actually edit out huge blank spaces, and stay in communication throughout and ask you if you want to keep or delete footage.
I personally transfer the video myself, and perform any enhancements, editing, cover art, etc... that needs to be done. When you email me about a project, it is ME that repsonds. No STAFF... so you are getting a personal encounter just as if I was your friend transferring video.
Any questions... shoot me an email: tapes2digi@hotmail.com
I hope I can help!!
PS: Westchester County, NY area, we can arrange for me to pick up and deliver your tapes!!